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  • Por Kate Nateras

Mangave, the beautiful succulent that will give an exotic touch to your garden

If you are looking for an exotic touch for your garden, the mangave will help you with that; A Mexican-style succulent plant that is very decorative for the exterior of your house, plus it is very easy to care for. It is a very strong and resistant species, as well as beautiful. Because nature never stops surprising us and it is a whole world to discover, mangave is a peculiar combination between manfreda and agave, and it will be very difficult for you not to want to have one at home.

Mangave: a resistant plant

Mangave is a robust plant that grows forming a rosette of leaves; This plant is usually flat and fleshy, ending in a point and has shades ranging from green to gray, even pink. One of its greatest characteristics is that its growth is too fast, of course, as long as its care is ideal for its species. If taken to the letter, it is very likely that it will reach up to two meters in height, although if you plant it in a pot it will not grow that much, ideally it should be in your garden land.

Mangave's history

The mangave is surrounded by two stories about its origin, the first claims that this plant was discovered in the 21st century thanks to horticulturists who were dedicated to collecting manfreda seeds, a genus that belongs to the Agavaceae family, in desert areas of Mexico. . In these plantings they would have discovered two very particular plants that grew much faster than the rest, as well as a slightly different natural disposition. The second story assures that the mangave is a fruit of cross-pollinations between the manfreda and the agave carried out by human hands, and the result would have been this beautiful and hybrid plant.

In fact, it is true that mangave has characteristics of both species, such as leaves with colored spots like manfreda and rapid growth like agave.

Mangave care

As we already told you, the mangave is very similar to a succulent, in addition to having certain peculiarities that must be cared for very rigorously. Its care is simple and you must follow it to the letter so that your plant remains beautiful. Light: the sun must be bright, thanks to it it will maintain its characteristic mottling on the leaves, the shape of its foliage and also its tones. So it should be in a very bright space, although without direct sun in the central hours of the day. It is best that it receives light in the morning or afternoon.

Location: Mangave is an outdoor plant, in fact, it is very likely that it will not grow indoors. This plant, although it loves warm climates, has extraordinary resistance to low temperatures and tolerates even below zero degrees. Of course, for it to survive the cold it is important that its soil is not wet regularly.

Watering: If you know how to water succulents, then there is nothing you need to worry about. In the case of mangave, it is best that you wait until the substrate is completely dry for the next watering, otherwise, it is very likely that your plant will suffer rot.

Fertilizer: although its natural growth is very fast, it does need fertilizer from time to time. It is best to apply a liquid one for cacti and succulents diluted in irrigation water, once a month from the beginning of spring until the end of summer.

The Mangave is a very powerful Mexican plant that you will not be able to resist.

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